Truth is, no one has ever understood what life is like being married to the game.
No matter how long they’ve been observing your life, they still don’t understand all the things that made being a part of the game, and now being out of the game, so complex.
In the game of life, 60-80% of all sports marriages lose.
Intense schedules with 14-16 hour long work days, most of the year
Prioritization of work above relationship
High stress/pressure to win
Job entrapment/burnout
Unequally shared responsibilities
Wife's career and dreams taking a backseat
Change in job status/injuries
Nomadic lifestyle
It’s not your fault. The Sports Business set your marriage up to FAIL.
You gave your all to the game, pouring EVERYTHING into your husband and his sports career. You did all the heavy lifting - raised the kids, juggled the moves, managed the households - and while he simply moved from one pod to the next, you started completely over again each time he took
a new job.
You played well, but the ball you were playing with was underinflated. In the process, you became a shell of yourself, unrecognizable to those who knew you and worst of all, unrecognizable to yourself.
The majority of your world revolved around him and his job, so now, 5, 10, 20 years later, it feels foreign to return to a “normal” life. The feelings of isolation can be overwhelming because no one outside of sports gets it.
Starting over is not entirely new to you, but going through a public divorce is hard.
You should NOT be doing it alone.
I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve got you (and your privacy).
Let’s create momentum for your new life as a FREE AGENT.
When the Vow Breaks...
Does this feel familiar?
You feel drained from having shouldered EVERYTHING during the marriage, while being uncared for, neglected and left to figure it out.
The sports life influenced nearly every decision you made before you separated, and because of the kids, it still does.
You are unsure of how to move forward from divorce at your big age after being out of the workforce as a stay at home mom (SAHM) and supporting every aspect of his career.
You’re not sure how to heal in the spotlight because you don’t want to destroy his image, even though…
You wonder who you are if you’re not a sports wife or mother.
Or is it more like this?
No one is saying anything, but you feel them staring as you awkwardly try to manage game attendance for the kids when you’re not really a part of it anymore.
You’re not sure if you should stay, stand or let go of your marriage. Your faith says to fight but...
He still expects you to handle all of the paperwork and fit your schedule around his.
You have no idea how you’re going to disentangle socially, financially, emotionally or mentally from the game.
Everyone thinks you’re so “strong”, so you lack meaningful support (also because you don’t know how to ask for help).
You feel stuck thinking about the time that was lost.
With support leading into, through and beyond the sports divorce process, you can create the steady, secure and drama-free life you crave with a sense of inner peace.
You feel grounded in the midst of chaos
You spend 90 days taking control of your divorce process, creating and executing a plan to launch your new life with gusto
You successfully navigate the awkward moments during games and social events with confidence
You are better, not bitter and the energy you exhibit is life giving and refreshing
You understand the core of who you are and authentically live it out without the weight of the expectations of others
You are able to remain steady and anchored when emotionally triggered to exude peace, composure and confidence
People are in awe of how you manage to make going through the divorce look “so easy” because you are moving forward with honor and your dignity intact
New boundaries, fresh perspective
Your heart is healing properly and the idea of a loving relationship is something you actually look forward to, when you’re ready
"I hope many get to experience
coaching with her"
“She was incredibly affirming when trying out new things and always excited to help me learn. She equipped me with different coping mechanisms and strategies for facing different
kinds of challenges.”
- Luyanda N.
"You’ll feel like you’re talking with a good friend that gets you."
"My breakthroughs came from Chantay’s thoughtful, intentional words of encouragement and care. I was able to renew confidence in making decisions, understand and honor my personal boundaries and
trust in myself.
- JM
I help sports wives find calm in the eye of the divorce tornado and courageously take on separation under the spotlight so they can rebuild a JOY-filled life for their next chapter as a FREE AGENT.
I’m a certified creative living and divorce coach passionate about helping you navigate personal and professional transitions with intention and a process-focused mindset. By understanding your unique challenges, I offer a personalized, holistic coaching experience rooted in a Christian worldview, designed to unlock your full potential and help you achieve your goals.
With over 20 years of experience in marketing, business, and entrepreneurship across various industries, I’ve navigated my own journey of career, family, and personal growth. I’m here to partner with you, guiding you through life’s transitions with the same creativity and curiosity that have fueled my own success. Your wins are my joy!
Fun facts: I’ve lived in 10 states and three countries, visited 36 states and 10 countries, and I’m an avid concertgoer and music trivia enthusiast.
Should I stay, stand or let go of the marriage?
How do I feel like myself again?
How do I prepare for the divorce process when he’s a public figure?
How do I cope with the emotional rollercoaster of divorce that is compounded by “everyone” knowing?
How do I bounce back from a sports divorce after being a stay at home mom or underemployed?
How do I plan for my future as a single person over 40?
How do I establish and enforce my boundaries?
How do I handle being taken off of social media, wikipedia and his bio?
How do I handle the dramatic shift of my social circle?
How do I help my kids through the sports divorce process?
How do I handle an uncooperative or unkind spouse?
Sound like something you need in your life?
Customized 90 day plan based on where you are.
Successfully manage the divorce process.
Be the architect of your new life with intention, faith and hope.
You won't waste precious energy explaining the sports wife life.
Maximize effort and save time and money an legal fees.
Be prepared, focused and strategic for the best divorce outcome.
The Embracing Life as a FREE AGENT ProgramTM meets you where you are in your sports related divorce and guides you on a future-forward journey grounded in faith. It emphasizes restoring oneself emotionally and evolving to live a life that is genuine and authentic, full of grace and self-compassion, equipped, nurtured, and ultimately triumphant.
get the right people in your corner and develop a solid plan of action.
Rebuild a sense of self beyond external labels through grounding in faith.
Protect your peace and open channels of provision.
Processing and Release to move forward with freedom and peace.
Creating your future with confidence, purpose, and joy.
Are you ready for it?